
Dr. 理查德·布什有话要对潜在的学生说.

“我们在这里支持你. 无论你的梦想是什么,我们都能帮助你实现它.”

穿西装打领带的男人的头和肩膀Black Hawk College helps students who will transfer to four-year colleges, 那些寻求职业教育为就业做准备的人, 而其他人则需要建立他们的基础技能, 他说.

2019年8月,Dr. Bush joined the college as the 职业规划主任. His duties include supporting faculty with assessment of student learning, 教员发展和课程发展.

A major focus is strengthening courses and programs to provide the best possible education for students while simultaneously addressing the workforce needs of the community.

除了评估,Dr. 布什还负责制定计划, 预算, 社区关系, 奖助金, 捐款及委员会工作.

In less than two years at Black Hawk, he has served on two successful grant teams:

  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Improvement Grant will support a new Cybersecurity Associate in Applied Science (AAS) program. bbin信誉网站采购NETLAB+及相关设备, which allows instructors to deliver content and virtual labs to students.
  • 创新桥梁和过渡补助金 会支持“扩展职业道路”项目吗, which is focused on increasing the number of female and minority students entering high-wage, in-demand occupations through the development of an Automotive Technology Career Pathway.

Dr. Bush also said he is very proud of how the college has handled COVID-19. Specifically, the resiliency and tenacity of faculty and students that has ensured student success.

“Being part of a team like that is what I am most proud of,他说.


Dr. Bush decided to come to Black Hawk because the college’s mission and positive impact on the community appealed to him.

“We provide an avenue for individuals to affordably learn the skills they need for a changing workplace or acquire the transfer courses they need to further their education,他说.

man at podium with R and N balloons behind him and an audience in front of him

Dr. 理查德·布什,职业规划主任, addresses Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) graduates and their loved ones at the December 2019 pinning ceremony.

特别是在职业规划方面, he noted that area employers often refer to BHC graduates as highly prepared and ready to contribute their first day on the job.

Students can earn AAS degrees or certificates depending on what they decide to study. 从会计到焊接, bbin信誉网站提供广泛的选择, 而且这些服务很快就会扩展得更多.

“I am excited about the start of our Cybersecurity AAS and Court Reporting AAS programs in Fall 2021,” Dr. 布什总统说. “Demand for both careers is very high, and will remain high well into the future.”

Other upcoming changes include updates to the manufacturing curriculum and certificates and the anticipated launch of an Occupational 的rapy Assistant AAS program in Fall 2022.

Dr. Bush’s favorite part of his job is interacting with members of the Black Hawk College community – faculty, 工作人员, 503区的学生和其他人.

“Each interaction brings into focus why we are here and what we, 作为一个机构, 带给更大的社区,他说.


在加入BHC团队之前,Dr. Bush worked for Baker College in Michigan as the dean of the College of Information Technology.

His first job in higher education was interim associate dean for learning resources and technology and lecturer for the College of Technology at Eastern Michigan University.

然后,博士. Bush worked for Lawrence Technological University first as a faculty member and later as the executive director for LTU Online and eLearning Services.


Dr. 理查德·布什,职业规划主任, speaks at an English as a Second Language (ESL) Mentors & 学员计划会议在2020年1月.

He entered the higher education field after working in information technology for a variety of employers.

Dr. Bush’s IT experience includes working for the military, 在法律上也是如此, 零售, 电缆, 汽车, 服务及咨询业.

在空军服役期间. Bush earned credits at the 社区 College of the Air Force, City Colleges of Chicago and the University of Maryland University Center.

He transferred to Spring Arbor College where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in management and organizational development. Dr. Bush also earned a master’s degree in organizational management from Spring Arbor.

他后来获得了博士学位.D. in applied management and decisions sciences from Walden University. His time at Walden also included classes in leadership and organizational change and information management.

Dr. 布什并没有停止学习. 目前, 他正在学习西班牙语的基础知识, 法国, 意大利, 简体中文, 希伯来语, 阿拉伯语和夏威夷语. 在德国驻扎期间,他学会了德语.

February is Career and Technical Education Month®, or CTE Month®. 了解更多关于bbin信誉网站的信息 CTE项目.